Tuesday, October 5, 2010

That boy may be worth something yet!

OK, OK....The boy I'm talking about is our Min Pin, Jack. I heard the awefullest (is that a word even?) commotion early this morning in the back yard, rolled over and went back to sleep. Jack and his sidekick, Canela, (a miniature weenie dog) are known to get a little over zealous at times running around chasing each other for the sheer fun of it, but this time they really had a reason.... Apparently, Jack (the obviously taller of the two- and thereby the ringleader) had caught and killed a 'possum, and boy was he proud of himself! I'm guessing it was his biggest 'kill' yet.... to my knowledge, he has killed several gray grass snakes, a few young rats, a young squirrel or two and a whole flock at least of dove (the bird bath is a dog feeder, don't ya know!)...Anyway, Congrats Jack!!!

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