Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quilting Group Day....

YAY! I love this group.... I'll be working on Cara's sweatshirt jacket for a Christmas present today....Spent all day yesterday on it and am very pleased with how the front has turned out! I think it will suit her to a 'T'.... I'll try to take pixs this evening and post them....hopefully I'll be able to finish it today... I've got the materials to do one more...Then I need to get materials for another one after that... at least! Once the group is completed with this project, I think they're going to do a table runner that looked interesting... a bit like Cathedral Windows, so I may try that project too.... Well, gotta go get dishes in the wash and start loading the truck...

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Yay! We got about 1 inch of rain today! I enjoyed sitting out under the patio working on my embroidery and listening to it rain most of today. The rest of the day was spent in the country with friends, eating and enjoying some time together. Fajitas...yum! Hopefully hubby got to rest enough to help him heal a bit from his stye...He's been pretty miserable and 'run down' feeling with it. maybe he'll get a good night's sleep and be rippin-n-roaring again tomorrow!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Another Busy Day

Today I get to go to Abilene...Have to get the oil changed at the dealership on the pickup and have the new bicycle checked out...I really love the bike (and the truck!) I've already put around 450 miles on 'Gracie' (as I call her) since we brought it home about 6 weeks ago. I know that's not many miles for some cyclist, but it's plenty for me to have gotten used to it. It pretty much fits like a glove... When I ride hubby's bike I always feel like it's skiddish...like it would love to get out from under me... but this new one feels like an old and trusted friend. Hubby & I rode 24.9 miles last night...up Horne Hill to Valera for supper at Big O's (yum!) then through what we call 'the Alps' north to the Winter's Hwy. and back home. I have to confess a huge weakness for riding to a destination for a diet soda, but it's even better when we can have a meal... something about going somewhere with a purpose in mind on the bikes makes it more enjoyable, I think. ;)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Today Marvin & I will go (I hope!) to Brownwood to his eye doctor, finally! A few weeks ago he lost his glasses while on a bike ride to Valera, so he's been using cheap bifocals from the Dollar Store to get by until he could get to his appt.  The cheapie pair look fine, but I'm afraid it's strained his eyes---he has a stye coming up on one of his eyes now... Poor guy!
As usual, I'll take some embroidery to work on in the car and while waiting at the Dr.s office. Once he's finished there, we'll head to Wally World for groceries...but I'm going to check out material & sweatshirts... He's home!!! Gotta go!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sunbonnet Sue!

Today was supposed to be mowing day...I did get the back yard mowed, but when I moved the mower to my shop next door to mow, I couldn't get it to start....yes, it had gas...yes, I pushed the little primer button...yes, I remembered to strap the starting wire to the handle before I pulled the rope... I don't know, but I just couldn't get it to start again...It's very old and cantankerous-- a little like me...Anywho---I decided to sew... and finally got 1 pillowcase completed!!!

Son's band chosen for Band of the Week!

Our son is a supporting band director at Big Spring...has been for 10 years...We're very proud of him and his family. This last week, his band was selected as Band of the Week by Newswest9 News. Check out this awesome video clip of the band playing! http://www.newswest9.com/Global/category.asp?c=112796
Sam is going to be the Band Director 'in charge' for this Friday night's game...Rocky Harris the  Head Director will be unable to be at the game and has trusted Sam to take charge for the night! Good luck Sam! Wish we could be there! On October 16th the band will be performing their half time show for UIL Marching Contest at Ratliff Stadium in Odessa. This is always an exciting time of year, and this year it's especially exciting since the band will be competing as a 3A school instead of a 4A school. The band has been extremely successful competing at the 4A level, so we're looking forward to great things to come. The competition won't be any easier, but they will be competing with different bands, which will be a new challenge.... one that I believe they're very ready for!....Did I mention that I LOVE BAND?  My paternal grandmother played the organ, my mother played the piano, I played the bass clarinet in high school and play piano, and now my son is more than carrying on the musical tradition...His greatgrandmother,  and grandma and Papaw would be proud....I know I am!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Sweatshirt Jacket is finished!!!

Yay!!! I'm very pleased with how it came out! What do you think? (Don't look at the 'old lady' modeling it!lol) Anyway, thank you sweet Hubby for taking the pixs.... I think I'll have to make another one of these at least, maybe more. I really do think I know a cute curly haired young lady that could use one of these! She Loves Pink... but her school colors are orange & black....What to do...hmm...I'll have to think on that and get back to you... Maybe when I go to Abilene on Friday I'll get some inspiration....In the mean time it's back to work on quilts & pillowcases!

It's quilting day!

I just love to go to quilting group once a week... They're the best bunch of ladies to be around, for one thing, but they also encourage me to 'stretch' my abilities and give me inspiration. Last week we made the front for our current project and I posted a pix of it. During the week, I completed the back and am posting it's pix here for you... Today we should learn more about assembly, which I must confess, seems a bit of a mystery to me now....Some how we're supposed to use the bottom ribbing of the sweatshirt that we started with, for the neck binding... I'll post a pix when it's done...
My quilts for Christmas gifts are coming along fine and I've actually started cutting the strips and putting them together in a simple 9 patch alternated with a plain patch to make the pillowcases to match the quilts from... I'll try to get pictures up once I get a bit further along on the project... Showcased in the quilts will be squares of hand embroidered designs, and they are almost all completed now.
Guess I'd better go and get myself together for quilting group now...Hope everyone has a great day!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

She Did It!

Me,"I'm not worried....I'm not worried!"
Rachel, "I DID IT!"
Yep, She did it! And here's the proof! How much fun can a girl have? From these pictures, it looks like a lot!
We also got to eat at Underwood's BBQ in Brownwood...Yummy stuff...now I think I'd better go ride my bike!!! LOL

Friday, September 17, 2010


I spent all afternoon and evening sewing! Am trying to figure out how to make pillowcases to match the quilts for the grandkids...boy, has it been a long time since I've pieced quilt blocks....anyway, it's looking good...just need zillions more done.... Oh, I did ride 19.7 miles this morning by myself...to Santa Anna - then toward San Angelo to the Shields Hwy. and back to Coleman on it.... Very good ride...no wind...not too hot... couldn't have asked for better conditions for a bike ride....Maybe Marvin & I will get to ride tomorrow -- We'll be in Brownwood to meet Rachel at the airport unless there's too much wind & clouds for her to fly... We'll see. Maybe I'll get some pictures of the plane she's flying...

Well, that was fun... Not!

The dentist trip went as expected...if I'm lucky, I'll get to keep the tooth for a few years...If not, I'll be short one more tooth....ugh! Enough gloom....I did get to work on the back of my sweatshirt jacket yesterday afternoon... still need to add one more strip of fabric and embroidery on the red strip...Can't decide what to embroider on it.... would LUV a cowboy hat, or boots... but don't happen to have either one in my selection... may have to embroider another word.... maybe 'Amaw Ben Cara Jason'---has a nice ring to it I think... hmmm...
I want to go ride this morning, but can't decide which ride to take.... If I think long enough, there won't be time before lunch to do it..
I ordered some books through the Interlibrary loan system at our local library...can't wait for them to come in... All on Stumpwork embroidery...which is 3 demensional embroidery of anything...flowers, animals, whatever...Since I love 3 demensional hand applique, I'm thinking this might be a logical next step for my embroidery too....Sounds like fun anyway.
Think I'll go ride now....

Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's been a LONG TIME!

Sorry it's been so long since I've written...Since I last wrote, things have changed for me...I've quit my job...too stressful... and had the best garden Marvin & I have ever had! Also, I've canned literally hundreds of jars of everything I could get my hands on... pickles, beans, jellies, jams, relishes, blackeyed peas, even squash. I'm also working on several Christmas Craft projects now that the garden slowed down. Embroidery, quilting, etc. Day before yesterday I went to a class here in town with my quilter's group. I'll try to take pictures so you can follow what I'm doing... It's a sweatshirt made into a jacket. I didn't like the red broadcloth that I included on it very much because it was too plain...so I had to add some machine embroidery-- a yellow rose of Texas on one side and the word 'Texas' on the other. I hope to work on the back this afternoon, once I get back from the dentist- yuck. A filling fell out last week while we were at Homestead Heritage just north of Waco, Tx. They were having their Sorghum Festival--oh wow- was that ever fun! (The Festival that is--not losing the filling!LOL) They do everything there!!! Weaving, spinning, pottery, woodwork, blacksmithing...etc. I'm hoping to go there for Thanksgiving weekend...they're having a huge setup showing all kinds of handcrafts then... For me, that's Heaven! Well, (music to the Death March inserted here!) guess it's time for me to get ready for, Gulp, the CHAIR! - Dentist chair that is....whine, snivel, moan, cry, bawl outloud!!!)