So excited to be gardening again.... So far, I have several onion spots at different planting dates. Some are from bunches...some from seed so I should be set for them...There's also cabbage, carrots, beets, turnips, garlic,spinach (2 separate plantings) broccoli, brussel sprouts, corn, some tomatoes, and English peas out... In the green house - I have cherry & Roma tomatoes started and up... watermelon, cantaloupe, green chilis, and cucumbers all in peat pots. The lemon balm, rosemary, thyme and lavender are all pretty good... my 4 forcythia plants are leaving out as well as the two pear trees, the peach and plum trees too... The daffodils are blooming and the cannas, amaryllis, purple jew, and tulips are pushing through the ground... still plan to put out peppers, squash, pole beans, blackeyed peas, pintos, and okra. Have also just planted irises, caladiums, elephant ears, and cinnamon fern.
Just yesterday ordered a trailer for my townie cruiser bike... Should prove to be very useful bumming around town to the store and the 8th St. garden...too cool!!! Looks like a great year started!!!!
On another theme.... I've figured out how to shuttle Tat! Yay! I found the book with dvd, titled, 'Learn to Tat' by Janette Baker. For years I've needle tatted and love it....and for those same years I've tried over and over to learn to shuttle tat and just couldn't get the hang of it... This pic is using size 10 thread on toddler sized socks... This pic is of the 2nd pair I've done so far and I'm now working on a set with dark purple thread....I finished the 1st purple one last night started on it's mate... So loving doing this... The moral to this story is.... We can learn anything with the right teaching style for our learning style... In other words, the right teacher equals success....don't ever give up on learning to do something that you really want to learn to do.... Just keep trying using different teachers...or books/ the case may be! Each one you try may be the one that will supply the last piece of the puzzle needed to make it all make sense...