Our local quilting group makes a quilt to be raffled off by a worthy organization each year. This year, our county youth athletics organization was chosen, the group pieced the top and I volunteered to quilt it...Today, it came off the frame and was sent on its way to be bound by another member of our group. The quilt top is made of all batiks and really pretty. I hope my quilting has done it justice. I quilted a three leaf feather in each of the four legs of each of the plus signs of the design, and a diamond shape in each of the background parts...
This is the overall design... And this is the back...
Here are some closer shots...
And this is how I added extra fabric to the back that was too narrow...
I unpinned the top. Flipped the quilt top and batting back,leaving the backing pinned to its leader. I set the machine on horizontal hold, and stitched a straight line across the backing. Next, I used the fabric to be added, face up under the backing on the machine...clamped the ends...pinned the back and front making sure it's snug. Moved the head of the machine a little further from the leaders and ran a locked horizontal stitch along the original...