Hello there---This is my first attempt at blogging, so I hope I don't make too many mistakes! Hopefully this will be a type of Journal for all my 'projects'...If you follow me very long, you will discover that I like all things crafty and do different type crafts in spells...One month I'll be knitting, the next stained glass, and the next, basket weaving....And did I mention that I love to make my own homemade lye soap?
If this works well for me, I will hopefully be explaining how I make these crafts as well. My goal is to leave a record of the things I'm currently in love with for my grandchildren. Maybe long after I'm gone, they might want to try a few of these crafts.
My Grandchildren are: Benjamin, age 9; Cara, age 7; and Jason, age 4. Hopefully I'll figure out how to put their pictures on here for you. I have so much to be thankful for!
My husband & I have been married 34 years and both work at the local hospital in our small town. We live one block from the hospital and walk to work year round. He is the head of the Maintenance Department and I work in the Business Office billing Medicare & Blue Cross Blue Shield. We have two grown and married children. Sam, our son -married to Jen (parents of Jason) and Rachel, our daughter- married to Richard (parents of Ben & Cara).
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